Mac Address For Suprema Bio Reader

Posted By admin On 06.06.20
Active1 year, 6 months ago

I am working on an attendance system in PHP, attendance will be recorded with fingerprint device (SUPEREMA). how I will integrate auto attendance through scanning device, any help will be highly appreciated.


Suprema Fingerprint Reader

[BioStar 2] Wiegand reader output when using AoC(Access on Card), sample configuration using Suprema devices as wiegand input & output. • Suprema makes no representations or warranties concerning infringement of patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights as well as merchantability and fitness of the product for a particular purpose in regard to the sale or use of the Suprema product. The Suprema name and Suprema logo are trademarks. BioStar Config is a simple utility for diagnosing and troubleshooting. The device has an invalid IP address. Finger print Biometric Reader Attendance Recording Terminal 6400 Template/3200 Users with SUPREMA Sensor, USB Pen Drive interface. Payroll Software includes, - Attendance Calculation.

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closed as too broad by Glorfindel, GrumpyCrouton, Stephen Kennedy, EdChum, MachavityFeb 12 '18 at 16:34

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2 Answers

It looks like the SUPEREMA system does have a SDK

However it doesn't integrate with PHP. The only way I can see of doing it would be to write a Visual Studio app that captured and updated to the database, or one with an embedded html browser that it could then send the captured data to.


Suprema includes now a Web Agent API with its SDK.

The Web Agent they provide is a Windows-based application that acts like a mini-web-server on the client side on a specific port. e.g., https://localhost:5151.

When a client visits your web application and they have the Web Agent up and running, you can do a cross-origin AJAX request with the help of Javascript to https://localhost:5151/scan that would return a base64 encoded image of the fingerprint. Kindle.

Suprema Bio Readers


Basically what they have done is to bridge the web browser to the internals of the client's computer.

Shafiq al-ShaarShafiq al-Shaar

Suprema Bio

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