Linux Newsgroups Reader For Mac Os X

Posted By admin On 06.06.20
Active4 years, 10 months ago

I have a new 3 terabyte external USB hard drive (Seagate ST3000DM001 in an enclosure). I hope to use it on both my iMac (OS X 10.6.8) and my Linux machines (Kubuntu). Right now this drive will probably be used primarily on the Mac, but that could change in the future; I don't use my Mac that much.

I have not formatted or partitioned the drive yet. What are my best options?

  1. List of Usenet newsreaders Usenet is a worldwide distributed discussion system using the Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP). Programs called newsreaders are used to read and post messages (called articles or posts, and collectively termed news ) to one or more newsgroups.
  2. A reader wants to use OS X's HFS+ system on a PC with both Windows and Linux. How to access a Mac drive from a Windows or Linux system. I bought a new external HDD for my mac about a month.
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Should I format the drive with the Mac HFS+ case-sensitive option?

Given that I am not familiar with OS X, I would rather do standard stuff on the Mac and non-standard stuff on Linux where I'm more comfortable. That leads me to slightly prefer formatting this drive in a native Mac format. On the other hand, I have several Linux boxes where I could use this drive, so if I do non-standard stuff to mount it, I'll have to do that on each Linux machine.

However, for this question, assume a 50/50 split between use on the two operating systems.

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I don't want to purchase any proprietary or commercial software to accomplish this task. And I need read & write access.

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2 Answers

If you want to do it the Mac way, format the drive as HFS+ with no journaling (if you format it with journaling, I think you can turn this off with diskutil).

The linux HFS+ kernel drivers (CONFIG_HFSPLUS_FSFilesystems->Miscellaneous filesystems->Apple Extended HFS file system support) can mount HFS+ volumes with full read/write access as long as the volume does not have journaling enabled.

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If you are using any Windows machine in the process as well, my suggestion would be to use NTFS (formatted from the Windows machine) and use fuse-ntfs-3g and ntfs-3g inside the *nix systems. That worked the best for me, as far as having the best compatibility between all 3 systems. Haven't tested on Sun or anything else.


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There are various mailing lists and Usenetnewsgroups for Linux discussion:

Newsgroups Reader For Mac

  • comp.os.linux.announce is a moderated newsgroup forannouncements about Linux (e.g., new programs, bug fixes).
  • comp.os.linux.answers contains all the FAQ files, HOWTOfiles, and other important documentation.
  • comp.os.linux.admin is an unmoderated newsgroup fordiscussion of administration of Linux systems.
  • comp.os.linux.development is an unmoderated newsgroupspecifically for discussion of Linux kerneldevelopment. The only application development questions that should bediscussed here are those that are intimately associated with thekernel. All other development questions are probably genericUnix development questions and should be directed to acomp.unix group instead.
  • is an unmoderated newsgroup for anyLinux questions that don't belong anywhere else.
  • comp.os.linux.misc is the replacement forcomp.os.linux, and is meant for any discussion thatdoesn't belong elsewhere.

Additional topical Linux newsgroups include:

  • comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • comp.os.linux.alpha
  • comp.os.linux.development.apps
  • comp.os.linux.development.system
  • comp.os.linux.hardware
  • comp.os.linux.m68k
  • comp.os.linux.networking
  • comp.os.linux.portable
  • comp.os.linux.powerpc
  • comp.os.linux.setup
  • comp.os.linux.x

In general, you should not cross-post between the Linuxnewsgroups. The only cross-posting that is appropriate is anoccasional posting between one unmoderated group andcomp.os.linux.announce. The whole point of splittingcomp.os.linux into many groups is to reduce traffic ineach.

The Linux FAQ is periodically posted to many of the Linuxnewsgroups, mailing lists, and FTP sites. You can browseand search the FAQ Archives at the Linux FAW website.

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Some of the above information came from the LinuxInformation Sheet.

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