Download Kindle Cloud Reader Books For Mac

Posted By admin On 06.06.20
  1. Set Up Kindle Cloud Reader
  2. Download Kindle Cloud Reader App
  3. Kindle Reader On Mac
  4. How To Download Kindle Cloud Reader Books

I have to admit that recently I’ve really started getting into e-books. I’ve tried a lot of different readers, but of course I always end up coming back to the Kindle Reader. I’ve tried using the desktop Kindle Reader appReading Personal Documents On Your Kindle AppReading Personal Documents On Your Kindle AppSince I first reviewed the Amazon Kindle for the iPad and other iOS devices, some pretty useful features have been added in recent updates. From basic annotation tools, an e-book library, and its Whispersync capabilities,..Read More, and I’ve tried a variety of Android appsRead Entire Books On Your Smartphone With Moon+ Reader [Android 1.6+]Read Entire Books On Your Smartphone With Moon+ Reader [Android 1.6+]While I dearly love my Kindle, my smartphone is always with me. Also, the Kindle doesn’t have a backlit screen (which is the whole point of a Kindle really), and sometimes a reading lamp spreads..Read More for reading Kindle books as well.

The DRM protection insures the books can only be read on a Kindle reader or in a Kindle software app that is registered to the Amazon account that owns the book. If you want to read it offline, then install the free downloadable Kindle reader software for PC (or Mac if you have a Mac). Old Version Kindle for PC/Mac 1.17 Download Posted on Feb 10, 2017 0 comments Amazon updated their desktop reading app Kindle for PC and Kindle for Mac to version 1.19, it is a big step as the last major version 1.17 was released several months ago.

The only problem with both solutions is that in each case you’re tied down to a particular computer or a particular smartphone to use the reader. It’s really handy for reading e-books when you’re near either of those devices, but when you’re traveling and happen to be on some other computer, it’s not so convenient.

For those reasons, I was pretty excited to stumble across Amazon’s free Kindle Cloud Reader.

The Cloud Reader lets you access your entire Kindle library and read any of those books, or any new books you may want to download, from the convenience of any computer or device in the world, and all you need is an Internet connection. No install required.

Using the Kindle Cloud Reader

When you first launch the web-based app, it’ll ask you if you want to enable offline reading. If you do choose to allow this mode, it will install a browser plugin that lets you read your downloaded e-books even if you don’t have an Internet connection.

Obviously, that’s a feature that will only work on a specific computer, but it’s a nice feature to have installed on your home PC or laptop, where you’ll be reading your e-books most often. This will let you read e-books on your laptop even if you’re in a waiting room or anywhere else that doesn’t have any Internet access.

Download kindle cloud reader

The moment that I logged into the Kindle Cloud Reader with my existing account, the application recognized my library and displayed it in my list of downloaded titles. As you can see, I’m not the only one in the family that uses this account (no, I didn’t read “Sophie’s World”.)

If you read your e-books anywhere else where you were logged into the account, the Cloud Reader will remember all of your bookmarks and notes. The major areas of the reader to know are the menu icons at the top, the “bookmark” feature on every page that you can enable or disable at any time, and of course the page-turning arrows.

The “book” icon in the menu lets you navigate to different areas of the e-b0ok that you’re currently reading. You can jump to the start at any time, or type in a specific page where you want to go. If there’s a table of contents in the e-book, that link will be enabled as well.

Set Up Kindle Cloud Reader

The “Book Extras” area is a neat page that has data fed in from the Shelfari Community. Here you’ll find all information that other readers in the community have added about the book. This can include characters in the book, a full plot summary, interesting quotes from the book, important places, and a lot more.

If you don’t like the font size, background shading or formatting, those can all be customized to a degree. You can’t change the font, but you can adjust the letter height and width to your preference. You can even change the color-scheme so that it’s white letters on a black background rather than black on white.

My favorite feature is the notation and bookmark feature. You can quickly view all of your notations and bookmarks for the current book you’re reading by clicking on the “Toggle Notes and Marks” icon. This lists all of your bookmarked pages, and any notes that you’ve jotted down as you were reading.

Download Kindle Cloud Reader App

Taking notes is really easy and fast. All you have to do is highlight a section of text that you particularly like or want to remember and click on either “Highlight” or “Note”. Highlighting is obvious – you can literally highlight that block of text by choosing the “Highlight” option.

However, the “Note” option lets you add notations that apply to that block of text. You can quickly review those notes (and navigate to the page where you made it) by clicking “Go to Location” on the Notes and Marks menu. Acrobat reader 9 for mac won't update.

Kindle Reader On Mac

Another really cool feature of Kindle Cloud Reader is that it is always synced with your account. Should you go off and read more of the book using your mobile phone or your computer and then later come back to the Cloud Reader to read more of the book, Cloud Reader will recognize that you read more of the book elsewhere, and will ask you if you want to pick up reading where you most recently left off.

It’s synced with everything else you’re doing on your Kindle account, it’s simple to use yet powerful and functional, and it will free you from having to read your e-books from a specific computer or device. That was reason enough for me to adopt using the Kindle Cloud Reader almost exclusively. I don’t even use the installed apps anymore.

Do you think the Kindle Cloud Reader can free up your e-book reading experience too? Give it a try and let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Explore more about: Amazon Kindle, Cloud Computing, Ebooks, eReader.

How To Download Kindle Cloud Reader Books

  1. Errata: I meant 'Ebook reading' and not 'Ebola'.. Sorry about that.

  2. Ebola reading is a new experience to me. I have a hard copy of all my books.. Is kindle iCloud reader really safe? I just don't want to loose my books. I use iAnnotate as a pdf reader. The advantage is that I connect it with Dropbox and keep thee book in the cloud as well as a backup copy downloaded to my computer. Is it possible to transfer a book in Kindle to my PDF reader? Thanks a lot!

  3. I Just Love This App Thanks for the post Ryan !!!!!!

  4. i have books o my computer and i cant figure out how to put them on my cloud reader?

  5. along with, which shows the free bestsellers ebooks, makes a long summer of reading

  6. So far I have a love/hate relationship with my Kindle. I have some Amazon ebooks, and some non-DRM and freeware ebooks. So, I am a little paranoid about putting anything in the cloud so that Amazon or someone else can come back at me months or years from now claiming that I owe them money.

    I keep my ebooks in Calibre on a hard drive, and simply use the Kindle as a reader with the wireless turned off.

    Remember mp3's.

  7. you forget, no matter what you're reading on, Kindle, Android whatever, iOs whatever, Kindle PC app, or Cloud, every time you have an internet connection, your reading is synced to the last page you were reading.

  8. For an even better experience try

  9. Great!! I dont have to use tht Kindle for PC app again